TRIO Services


Congregate Dining

TRIO Community Meals is committed to reducing hunger and food insecurity among older adults and supports congregate programs in alignment with the Older American Act (OAA). With our agency and community partners, we enhance the health and well-being of older adults by providing healthy meals, nutrition education, and greater social engagement for our congregate sites. At TRIO Community Meals, we customize congregate programs for each client based on our three (3) core elements – Menu Development, Meal Production, and Logistics. From the type of meals – hot, chilled, or frozen – to each menu item, our menus are created specifically for the individual needs of each program. Meal Production can occur in your kitchen or at a TRIO culinary operation center.

Home Delivered

Home Delivery

Home-delivered meals provide necessary nutrition for seniors who cannot visit senior sites. We believe in creating positive experiences through food and personal interactions and have a dedicated team of trained drivers who greet each senior with a warm smile and friendly face. We tailor every home-delivered meal program to each client’s mission and provide customization based on our three (3) core elements – Menu Development, Meal Production, and Logistics. We produce fresh, chilled, or frozen meals for home meal recipients that can be delivered meals to homebound seniors or packaged for delivery by agency volunteers.

Shelf Stable.2

Shelf-Stable Meals

TRIO Community Meals supports emergency preparedness with a variety of nutrient-dense shelf-stable meals that offer seniors a comforting sense of security. No matter the conditions, seniors know they have a nutritious meal to pull from the pantry. Our shelf-stable meals are ready to eat at any moment and do not require any refrigeration. Aside from emergency scenarios, shelf-stable meals can also be used for Medicaid Waiver services, weekend meals, holiday meals, and government closures.

Contact us

For more information about TRIO Community Meals services, employment or to share with us how we are doing. We look forward to hearing from you.